Top 6 Must Haves To Become Part of a Mafia Group According to "Live By Night"

When Hollywood actor, Ben Affleck decided to make a movie adaptation of the best-selling novel "Live By Night", which is about the life of a Mafia gang leader, Joe, who was once a good man, he thought of making this film with the same title as big as the Mafia world itself --- sophisticated yet complicated, luscious but tamed, and loud but actually quiet.

However, this is just me talking for the sake of having a beautiful introduction post. Admit it! You liked the title and intro, right? Hahaha!

Anyway, it is once my lifelong dream and fantasy to become part of a Mafia or to become their gang leader and rule them all. Being in a Mafia group is quite complicated (*coughing* The Godfather) but for me, the luxury of being part of one is such a fulfillment. Just imagine having a control of everything and everything in between, aren't those such a relief?

Well, money always work in the Mafia world but money isn't everything, and that's the truth. However, being on a Mafia is waaaaaayyy cooler than having money at hand! Ever since I saw the movie "Live By Night", I know from the start that I wanted to live like that because I fell in love with how Joe (Ben Affleck) lived the life he wanted to be. But in the end, this is not about being on a Mafia group anymore. This is like living the Mafia way of life.

So, to fulfill everyone's dream or fantasy on becoming part of a Mafia group, I present to you the top 6 must haves of living the life of  a Mafia according to the movie,  "Live By Night".

1) Drive a fancy car and always wear a hat.

If top down is not available, any fancy or luxury car will do! Meanwhile, wearing a hat could mean different things like, literally wearing a hat, or disguising or pretending yourself into something rich and famous while driving a really fancy car. Sweet!

2) Learn to negotiate on everything and make an offer that cannot be resisted.

Part of making or presenting a good offer (like most Mafia leaders would do) is to show a blank or poker face when negotiating. Never reveal your intentions to the other party. And oh, always do the meetings during breakfast because you don't want to be pre-occupied by meetings the whole day and totally forgets about your world domination plans.

3) Have a trusted partner or buddy and talk about your plans while walking.

Walking can stimulate the brain, thus, remembering things while walking and talking about your plans on building that Hotel Casino beside a lake or taking part of the Cigar and Wine Cartel in Puerto Rico and Cuba are easier that what you could have written on papers during a Sunday meeting breakfast at a nearby Saloon.

4) Learn the art of boozing and dancing to all that jazzes in between.

Being part of a Mafia group will let you come near with cigars, girls, poker games, and wines and all the money involved in these things. Relax and chill and just go with the flow. Being part of Mafia does not have to become a social climber. If you don't like what your having, you can have other things that can make you happy or at least booze. Let loose and let the inner Mafia gang leader do the work for you!

5) Guns, gold, and goons.

What's the coolest thing about being part of Mafia are the 3Gs included in it, and I am not talking about the slow mobile connection here. Having gold is money, having guns is power, and having goons is having a support group that will make your goals into a reality. Remember the illegal cigar and wine trade of your cartel in Puerto Rico and Cuba, right? But of course, having these kind of stuff has no redemption, but I think they are fun! Hahaha!

6) Always walk with pride.

To top it all, never have a conscience and always walk with pride even if it is already your downfall. If it really helps to make a graceful and prideful exit without turning your back, that will be good. If there is an exploding bus behind you while you hear people crying out loud for help, that will be much better.

So, there.  My Top 6 Must Haves List if you want to live like a Mafia or at least become part of one according to "Live By Night" movie starring, written, and directed by Ben Affleck himself. By the way, the movie is good, but lacks some "ooomph" factor. You have to watch the movie to know what I am saying. Thank you.

How about you? Do you have a Mafia dream or fantasy like me? Share your thoughts on the comment section below and let us all make this world a better place for all the Mafias out there.

Photos used courtesy of Warner Bros.

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